Win $5000 for your reseaRch

Are you an early career Scientist, PhD Student or a Post doc in Deep Tech?


XPANSE is inviting early-career scientists and graduate students working at the edge of current scientific knowledge with impactful research to present their work at the Science Lightning Pitch session during XPANSE Nov 20-22…in Abu Dhabi.

Deadline: OCT 15



Trailblazers in science & Tech


For your research

Present your work to leaders in academia & connect with industry decision-makers

who can apply

PhD Students in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Engineering and Deep Tech Fields.

Post Doctoral Fellows.

Early Career Research Scientists.

In special cases with proven research record: Masters & Bachelors Degree Students.

How to Apply

Submit your application before October 15.

XPANSE team will review your application and select the final Pitches based on your abstract.

All selected applicants will be notified within 2 weeks after the deadline.

You will then be given the guidelines to prepare your Pitch to present in person in Abu Dhabi.


MOST renowned scientists at xpaNse

Sir Kostya Novoselov

Nobel Laureate in Graphene, Professor at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, NUS

Dr. Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

Professor of Physics, MIT

Dr .William Daniel Phillips

Nobel Laureate in Laser Cooling, NIST Fellow

Dr. Yury Gogotsi

Distinguished Professor and Director, A.J Drexel
Nanomaterials Institute at Drexel University

Dr. Hiroshi Ishii

Associate Director, MIT Media Group and Head,
Tangible Media Group

Dr. Vladimir Falko

Professor and Director, National Graphene Institute, University of Manchester

Dr. Andrea C. Ferrari

Professor of Nanotechnology at the Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge

Dr. Antonio Castro Neto

Distinguished Professor at the Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, NUS

Lightning Pitch Format | 5 min talks
- You will have 5 MINUTES and a maximum of 8 SLIDES in your Presentation to showcase your research.
- Impactful presentations have more visuals, less text on the slides.
- Explain the WHY, HOW, and WHAT of your research. Tell us the story of WHY your research will benefit the world in the future, HOW your research will shape the technologies of the future, and WHAT you did to make that technology happen.
- Include Images, Videos, GIFs, Small demos of your working systems, or anything you want the audience to see, to make the presentation truly unique, truly yours, and give everyone a glimpse into the future of frontier science through the eyes of an exponential tech researcher.
- The pitch should be easy to understand to people from different backgrounds.
What scientific fields are invited?
- Energy storage
- 2D Materials (Graphene, MXenes)
- Bioelectronics, sensors and wearables
- Structural building materials
- Quantum phenomena (Computing, sensing, communication)
- Optical sensors and detectors
- Printed electronics
- Biofuels and biomaterial
- And more Exponential Tech fields
The Winner of Science Lightning Pitch
The purpose of the Science Lightning Pitches is to bridge the gap between academia and industry and provide young scientists a platform to present their research to some of the most influential and leading figures in science and industry who will attend XPANSE.

A multi-disciplinary panel of judges of academia professors, senior scientists, and exponential tech industry leaders will attend the Science Pitches and select 1 winner.

- The winner will receive a prize of $5000.
-The winner will be announced on Nov 22.
-The winner will be invited to attend the award session.
- The winner will be interviewed onsite and the interview will be circulated on multiple platforms.
- The winner will be invited to the XPANSE VIP reception.
- The winner will be invited to the XPANSE networking sessions.